Friday, December 11, 2009

Why to use Ganoderma ??

Strategy for Healthy Life

Ø Health means developing the resistance power and power of function of the body against diseases.

Ø Health means absence of frequent illness.

Ø Health means improved resistance power through which the duration of disease is shortened.

Ø Health is a sense of wellbeing of body, mind and soul.

Ø One can achieve healthy life if the food, cloth, shelter and his environment are kept clean.

Ø These all are the sources for a prosperous disease free and healthy life.

Nature’s Gift

  • From time immemorial ever since man was born, a constant fight is going on between man and Bacteria and virus.
  • To understand this fight on behalf of man nature has gifted him a natural doctor right from his birth.
  • This doctor alone keeps him to live longer without any diseases.
  • The name of this doctor is “Immunity”. This doctor was born with the man and dies with him.
  • If the immunity is strong, the body is able to fight effectively the diseases caused by bacteria or virus.
  • However, when immunity goes weak, the invading bacteria penetrate into the cells of the body.
  • Having successfully penetrated into the cells they release Toxins (poison) which causes diseases.
  • If heart cells are affected it produces BP and heart related problems.
  • If Lung cells are affected it produces Asthma, and many other respiratory diseases.
  • If kidney cells are affected, kidneys loose their ability to excrete waste matter leading to kidney fa8ilure and finally kidney transplantation.
  • If joints and bone are affected, it leads to arthritis leading to impaired mobility.
  • Thus when a doctor in us looses power of resistance, we go weak and contract diseases in various organs of body.


  • Diseases are causes due to pollution.
  • Pollution may spread due to waster, organic, volatile substances, air, smoking, or alcohol etc.
  • Bacteria or Virus may invade cells through these pollutions and release their Toxins in the cells and create diseases.
  • Some diseases are due to nutritional deficiencies.
  • Falling ill means that the organs of the body became inactive.


  1. Body is a bundle of cells.
  2. What originated as a single cell at the time of conception, multiplied into many cells.
  3. These cells formed as organs like liver, heart, lungs, kidney, brain & bones etc. developed into a full form either as male or female.
  4. So the fundamental entity of a living organism is CELL.
  5. If cells are healthy, we will also be healthy.
  6. If cells are affected, we get diseases.
  7. Tissues are combination of different cells.


Ø A natural treatment

Ø Reishi Gano (Ganoderma): The Heaven’s gift to the Earth’s man. A higher order of Fungus.

Ø Reishi is different from other plants.

Ø All green plants produce their nutrients by photosynthesis.

Ø Mushrooms need no sunlight.

Ø Mushroom gets their nutrients from dead organic matter or soil.

Ø Like Human Beings: plant inhale carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen.

Ø Mushroom inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide.

Ø Hence when we tale Mushroom, we get good quantity of pure Oxygen.

How Reishi (Ganoderma Works?

* Ganoderma (Reishi) is not a medicine.

* It cleanses cell of unwanted Toxins.

* Strengthens cell membrane so that Toxins will find it difficult to enter into the cells.

* It functions in both ways one by removing Toxins from the cell and the other by preventing further entry of Toxins into the bo0dy.

* Hence Ganoderma is not diseases specific, it is cell specific and it enters into cell and cleanses the toxins.

* The cells are thus freed from Toxins and improve its functionality.

* It boosts the immunity power which helps to relive diseases.

* The Royal concept of Russia, Australia & England, Developed a new Medical Concept of ADAPTOGEN – A substance that is Non specific to organs or Tissues.

* Does not just act on disease site but it acts on the cells of whole body.

* It has Overall Normalizing effect.

* It is NON-TOXIC.

* It has No Side effects.

For purchasing of Ganoderma or for more details please feel free to contact me at:-


Mobile No: 09721513385

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Ganoderma - A Miracle Herb !

King of Herbs - Reishi Ganoderma

Ganoderma Lucidum or Reishi is also known as King of Herbs. In order to be known as King of Herbs, it has to have some qualities that aren’t commonly available in other herbs and because this has been found to be true Ganoderma Lucidum is also called ‘King of Herbs’.

The main characteristics of Lucidum that make it a real king of herbs are listed below :

Ganoderma Lucidum – An adaptogen

Adaptogens are herbs that provide strength and stamina to body system and help it in relieving Stress. The King of Herbs Reishi Ganoderma Lucidum is well known for its adaptogenic properties. An adaptogen is non toxic in nature which means its safe to eat. An adaptogen enables body to develop its self-help defence system and resist against harmful agents whether physical, chemical or biological in nature.

Therapeutic Value of Ganoderma Lucidum

Reishi Ganoderma Lucidum: The King of Herbs therapeutic value aren’t hidden from anyone now a days. Reishi Ganoderma Lucidum is estimated to have approximately more than 200 medicinal constituents and more and more are being discovered with new researches. It is a wonder of nature that so many useful medicinal constituents are available in a single product, which have a wide range of medical application. These 200 + therapeutic elements can be broadly categorised as-

1. Polysaccharides for cleansing

2. Organic Germanium for balancing

3. Adesnosine for regulating

4. Triterpenoids for building

5. Ganoderic essence for regeneration

Although there are a number of herbs that are known adaptogens or have a high nutritional or therapeutic value but Ganoderma Lucidum shows all above properties in combination, naturally that is why Ganoderma Lucidum is called The King of Herbs.