Friday, December 11, 2009

Why to use Ganoderma ??

Strategy for Healthy Life

Ø Health means developing the resistance power and power of function of the body against diseases.

Ø Health means absence of frequent illness.

Ø Health means improved resistance power through which the duration of disease is shortened.

Ø Health is a sense of wellbeing of body, mind and soul.

Ø One can achieve healthy life if the food, cloth, shelter and his environment are kept clean.

Ø These all are the sources for a prosperous disease free and healthy life.

Nature’s Gift

  • From time immemorial ever since man was born, a constant fight is going on between man and Bacteria and virus.
  • To understand this fight on behalf of man nature has gifted him a natural doctor right from his birth.
  • This doctor alone keeps him to live longer without any diseases.
  • The name of this doctor is “Immunity”. This doctor was born with the man and dies with him.
  • If the immunity is strong, the body is able to fight effectively the diseases caused by bacteria or virus.
  • However, when immunity goes weak, the invading bacteria penetrate into the cells of the body.
  • Having successfully penetrated into the cells they release Toxins (poison) which causes diseases.
  • If heart cells are affected it produces BP and heart related problems.
  • If Lung cells are affected it produces Asthma, and many other respiratory diseases.
  • If kidney cells are affected, kidneys loose their ability to excrete waste matter leading to kidney fa8ilure and finally kidney transplantation.
  • If joints and bone are affected, it leads to arthritis leading to impaired mobility.
  • Thus when a doctor in us looses power of resistance, we go weak and contract diseases in various organs of body.


  • Diseases are causes due to pollution.
  • Pollution may spread due to waster, organic, volatile substances, air, smoking, or alcohol etc.
  • Bacteria or Virus may invade cells through these pollutions and release their Toxins in the cells and create diseases.
  • Some diseases are due to nutritional deficiencies.
  • Falling ill means that the organs of the body became inactive.


  1. Body is a bundle of cells.
  2. What originated as a single cell at the time of conception, multiplied into many cells.
  3. These cells formed as organs like liver, heart, lungs, kidney, brain & bones etc. developed into a full form either as male or female.
  4. So the fundamental entity of a living organism is CELL.
  5. If cells are healthy, we will also be healthy.
  6. If cells are affected, we get diseases.
  7. Tissues are combination of different cells.


Ø A natural treatment

Ø Reishi Gano (Ganoderma): The Heaven’s gift to the Earth’s man. A higher order of Fungus.

Ø Reishi is different from other plants.

Ø All green plants produce their nutrients by photosynthesis.

Ø Mushrooms need no sunlight.

Ø Mushroom gets their nutrients from dead organic matter or soil.

Ø Like Human Beings: plant inhale carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen.

Ø Mushroom inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide.

Ø Hence when we tale Mushroom, we get good quantity of pure Oxygen.

How Reishi (Ganoderma Works?

* Ganoderma (Reishi) is not a medicine.

* It cleanses cell of unwanted Toxins.

* Strengthens cell membrane so that Toxins will find it difficult to enter into the cells.

* It functions in both ways one by removing Toxins from the cell and the other by preventing further entry of Toxins into the bo0dy.

* Hence Ganoderma is not diseases specific, it is cell specific and it enters into cell and cleanses the toxins.

* The cells are thus freed from Toxins and improve its functionality.

* It boosts the immunity power which helps to relive diseases.

* The Royal concept of Russia, Australia & England, Developed a new Medical Concept of ADAPTOGEN – A substance that is Non specific to organs or Tissues.

* Does not just act on disease site but it acts on the cells of whole body.

* It has Overall Normalizing effect.

* It is NON-TOXIC.

* It has No Side effects.

For purchasing of Ganoderma or for more details please feel free to contact me at:-


Mobile No: 09721513385